Death of former CPO(D) Michael ‘Mick’ Kester
27 Feb 2023 - I was devastated to learn that my old friend Mick Kester crossed the bar last Friday 24 February, apparently after suffering a heart attack.
Mick served in the Royal Navy for a total of 24 years, having joined in February 1958 as a Junior Seaman at HMS GANGES in Suffolk. His first ship was the destroyer HMS CARYSFOOT and he served in her in the Far East Fleet based in Singapore.
He qualified as an SWD (Shallow Water Diver) at HMS DRAKE’s Diving School in 1962, remaining with them as part of the training staff as well as serving in the Middle East carrying out diving duties with a shore-based unit. Further diving qualifications followed, and he became a Clearance Diver, once again serving with the Fleet in Inshore Minesweepers and Patrol Craft in the Far East.
In his own words in January 2020:
“Hi Rob,
Sorry to hear the sad news regarding the passing of [the late MCDOA member] Harry Parker. He was my first Diving Officer / 1st Lt in the tank landing ship HMS MESSINA in Bahrain in 1963. Under his leadership, our small diving team carried out various tasks in and around the Gulf including screw and rudder changes and a heap of other repairs to Tank Landing Ships damaged during beach landings.
Harry was a great leader and inspiration to me and to many others. It was Harry who recommended me for CD.
From left to right, this photo shows Harry Pickering (D3), Mick Wilson (CD3), me (Shallow Water Diver) and Harry Parker (CDO).
Best regards,
Mick joined the Plymouth Clearance Diving Team in 1967 and, during his time back in his hometown, took part in several tasks including search and recovery duties in the South West and the Channel Islands, Explosive Ordnance Disposal in Northern Ireland, Deep Diving & Salvage and disposal of recovered bombs and mines.
Mick and I first met in 1976 when he was the PO Instructor for my LMCDO (Long Minewarfare & Clearance Diving Officer) course at HMS VERNON, together with Joe Maher as the Chief Instructor.
We later worked together on the Plymouth Clearance Diving Team 1979-1982 when he was the Chief of the team and I was Boss 2.
Plymouth Clearance Diving Team in 1981 with Mick Kester sitting above the life raft container
A native of Plymouth, Mick had a mischievous sense of humour and was something of an impressionist. His favourite subjects were the music hall comedian Max Wall and the singer comedian Max Bygraves - "I wanna tell you a story".
Mick and I had kept in touch for the past 47 years and he often contributed his memories for the MCDOA's old website.
Only last month, Mick was hosted by Bravo Squadron (formerly PCDT and later SDU1) of DTXG (Diving Threat & Exploitation Group - formerly the Fleet Diving Squadron) for a tour of their facilities at Devonport, an event recorded on Facebook:
I am sure all members of our community will join me in extending our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to Mick's family, close friends and old comrades.
Five Bells and RIP Mick.