News from Jason White in Algeria

6 Jul 2023 - I am grateful to MCDOA member Jason White QGM, our Defence Attaché in Algiers, for this update (also see entry for 24 Jun 21 in News Archive 72 of our old website):


“Dear Rob,

I’m in my last six month in Algiers and excited about my next assignment in DE (Defence Engagement). I’ve finally found something I’m good at after 27 years!

Algeria is keeping me busy, with the defence relationship one of the key highlights with the UK and I will soon have a team from the Algerian Navy Special Operations community visiting the UK.


I can honestly say the Algerians love the UK military and it’s been a pleasure to boost our relationship. However, I’m also looking forward to 18 months home between DE positions and catching up with friends and the community. I look forward to making an MCDOA dinner, hopefully in 2024.

Yours aye,


Jason and I first met about 30 years ago when he was a junior civil servant at DGUW(N) (formerly AUWE) at Southwell on Portland when I was a naval applicator. He was awarded his QGM for bravery in performing an underwater search for survivors in the capsized Belgian trawler NORDSTER during an Air Sea Rescue operation off Beachy Head on 12 December 2005. His next high profile appointment will be as ‘our man’ in Santiago, Chile and I’m sure everyone in our community will join me in wishing him continued success and happiness.




MCDOA members at Holyrood House