MW Annual Dinner & Awards

24 Nov 2023 - Last year’s inaugural event was hard enough to top but yet another cracking Mine Warfare Annual Dinner & Awards Ceremony was held last night at the Royal Maritime Club (Old Home Club) in Portsmouth. Several MCDOA members were present and I met lots of old friends and made several new ones.


This event, which crowned the day's Mine Warfare Conference nicely, was organised by WO2(MW) Andrew 'Ozzy' Osborne and run by Lt Christopher 'Chip' Miles RN as Master of Ceremonies. Musical accompaniment was provided during the meal by the Portsmouth Shanty Men.


Diners enjoyed a delicious meal and excellent service throughout the evening. The room buzzed with conversation and good humour.


At the end of the meal, diners were addressed by Capt Simon Pressdee RN, Captain Patrol, Underwater Exploitation & Diving (Capt PUXD), who extolled the virtues of the Branch and recapped recent mine warfare activities and achievements.


Capt Pressdee presented the Award for Outstanding Mine Warfare Junior Rate to LS(MW) Zac Hine of MASTT (Maritime Autonomous Systems Trials Team).


WO1(MW) Sean Slee, last year’s recipient, presented the Award for Outstanding Warrant Officer or Senior Rate to CPO(MW) Matthew Routliffe of the Mine Warfare Training Element at the Maritime Warfare School (MWS).


Cdre Tim Green RN, Director Operational Advantage Centre (Dir OAC), presented the Award for Outstanding Mine Warfare Officer (MWO) to Lt Cdr Jason Munson RN of MASTT.


Capt David Hunkin OBE RN, Capture Lead, Mine Warfare Systems at Thales Defence & Security, the event’s sponsor, presented the Award for Outstanding Team to Mission System 3 (MS3). Lt Chris Gray RN received the award on behalf of Lt Cdr Alex Szweda RN, the CO of the Team.


Peter ‘Taff’ Reader, last year’s recipient, presented the Dixie Dean MBE Memorial Award for Services to Mine Warfare. It was received by WO2(MW) Joe Morton on behalf of CPO(MW) Anthony ‘Pinta’ Beer.


On completion of the awards, Cdre Green delivered a speech emphasising the significance of mine warfare to the Royal Navy’s global operations.


Attendees then enjoyed the bar, disco and casino for the remainder of the evening.


I am sure all members of our community will join me in expressing our gratitude to Andrew ‘Ozzy’ Osborne for organising yet another splendid event, to Christopher ‘Chip’ Miles for acting as Master of Ceremonies, and to Thales Defence for sponsoring it.


31st Annual MCDOA Operational Updates and Dinner


MCDO/MWO Promotions