Inaugural Mine Warfare Annual Dinner & Awards

4 Nov 2022 - A cracking time was had by all at last night's Mine Warfare Annual Dinner (not to be confused with the Minewarfare Association Annual Dinner or the Minewarfare & Clearance Diving Officers' Association Annual Dinner) at the Gaiety on South Parade Pier in Southsea. Several MCDOA members were present and I met lots of old friends and made several new ones.


This event, which crowned the day's Minewarfare Conference nicely, was organised by Andrew 'Ozzy' Osborne and Christopher 'Chip' Miles with Stephen ‘Bunny’ Warren acting as Master of Ceremonies.


Musical accompaniment was provided during the meal by our old friend Shep Woolley.


After the meal and loyal toast, the keynote speech was given by Cdre Tim Neild CBE (Commander Surface Flotilla) who stood in for Capt Ben Vickery (Captain Patrol, Underwater Exploitation & Diving) who was sick on shore.


An awards ceremony then included the following presentations:


The WO1(MW) Robert 'Dixie' Dean Prize, awarded to an individual for service and dedication to the MW branch throughout their career to date, was presented by Dixie's widow Paula and daughter Tracy to Peter ‘Taff’ Reader, co-founder with Dixie of the Minewarfare Association.


The Outstanding Junior Rate of the Year Award was presented by Cdr Daniel 'Doc' Morris to AB(MW) Georgia Shepherdson of MASTT (Maritime Autonomous Systems Trials Team).


The Outstanding Senior Rate of the Year Award was presented by Tower of London Yeoman Warders (both ex-MWs) Gary Burridge and Terry ‘Basher’ Briggs to Sean Slee whose pre-recorded acceptance speech was delivered from the Gulf.


The Outstanding MWO of the Year Award couldn't be presented to John Bainbridge, the recipient, as he proved unable to attend.

The Outstanding MW Team of the Year Award was presented by former MCD officer David Hunkin OBE, Sales Director of Thales UK which sponsored the evening, to MASTT (Maritime Autonomous Systems Trials Team).


After the awards ceremony, there was disco music although most used the time to exchange dits and indulge in a little gambling.


Those who attended owe a great debt to all involved in organising and running such a fine event, including the cheerful, willing and efficient staff.

Last but not least, congratulations to all recipients.


Funeral of Lt Cdr Michael Anthony Spalding Gould Stewart RN


Death of Lt Cdr David Bryan Burstall RN