MCDOA Members Visit HDS Diving Museum

2 Mar 2023 - We are hugely grateful to the Historical Diving Society's Chairman Mike O'Meara and diving museum guide John Dadd BEM (both former RN CD1s) plus museum cashier Martyn Bellamy for hosting members of our Association last night at the Society's Diving Museum in the Victorian No.2 Battery at Stokes Bay near Gosport. Attendees included our Chairman Martin Mackey, our Vice Chairman & Webmaster Rob Hoole, our Social Secretary Kevin Giles, Committee member Tug Wilson MBE and members Geoff Goodwin and Dougie MacDonald.


Left to right: Tug Wilson, Rob Hoole, John Dadd, Mike O’Meara, Geoff Goodwin, Dougie MacDonald, Martin Mackey and Kev Giles


John Dadd provided a riveting talk about the Lethbridge Barrel, atmospheric diving suits, and William Walker who saved Winchester Cathedral after which Mike O'Meara recounted his first hand experience of the successful operation to salvage four tonnes of gold from the cruiser HMS EDINBURGH, sunk by a U-boat in the Arctic Sea during the Second World War.

While my photos concentrate on naval exhibits, there is much more to see besides.


Thanks also to John Dadd for the 'wobbly' coffes on arrival and Kev Giles for laying on the refreshments after our tour.

Watch this space for opportunities to participate in more MCDOA visits and social events.


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