MCDOA AGM, Operational Updates & Annual Dinner - 25 Nov 2022
2018 MCDOA Annual Dinner attendees
4 Oct 2022 - As usual, last November's MCDOA Annual Dinner was heavily subsidised by the Association but it has come to the Committee's attention that several attendees entitled to MCDOA membership had not re-registered as members i.a.w. our current 'MOJO' website procedure. Please check via this link whether you are registered and have not only applied and been approved for membership but HAVE ALSO completed your £15 annual subscription payment (if applicable) by credit card or PayPal. If you haven't, you are no longer a bona fide member of the MCDOA and are thus ineligible to attend the dinner.
Any existing Standing Order i.a.w. the old scheme should be cancelled. Only you can action this.
Note that applicants who qualified as MCDOs/CDOs/MWOs over 50 years ago or are aged at least 75, and applicants for 'Affiliate' membership including REBDOC members, FCPO/WO(MW)s and FCPO/WO(D)s (past and present), will not be charged subscriptions.
From our Honorary Secretary:
Annual Dinner
This year’s MCDOA dinner will be hosted in the Wardroom at HMS Nelson on Friday 25 November 2022. The Association is extremely delighted to announce the Fleet Commander, Vice Admiral Andrew Burns, as this year’s Guest of Honour. The evening will follow the traditional format with pre-dinner drinks in the bar at 1900 followed by food and refreshments and a hearty sing song to the musical accompaniment of the HMS Nelson Volunteer Band before retiring to the bar. The dress for the evening for serving personnel will be 2B with cummerbunds or waistcoats. For retired members and civilian attendees, the dress will be dinner jacket or lounge suit with equivalent dress for ladies.
The dinner is open to Association members and their guests. The cost will be £55 for members and £60 for guests. This includes a four-course meal and wine. As usual, the Association will put a healthy kitty behind the bar. Unfortunately, I am unable to reserve accommodation, however, Service Personnel can book under the usual accommodation booking system.
The Association marks the 50th and 25th celebration of:
LMCDO ‘72: Cdr Michael Sverre Welford RN/RAN, Cdr David Braddock Sandiford, Lt Cdr Ralph Matthew Mavin, Lt Cdr Michael Arthur Critchley, Lt Cdr Keith Edmunds, Lt Nicholas Richardson, Cdr Brian James Mansbridge MBE.
LMCDO ‘72: Lt Uwe Stein FGN, Lt Cdr Sverre Lund RNoN, Lt Hanning BESS FGN, S/Lt Victor Prohl FGN, S/Lt Hartmut ‘Flete’ Walz FGN.
LMCDO ‘97A: Cdr Oliver Douglas Dudley ‘Olly’ Alexander, Lt Cdr Benjamin John Satterhwaite, Lt Matthew Carr, Lt Cdr Graeme Christian Gibbon Brooks, Lt Richard Peter Hird, Cdr Brad Bittle (USN), Lt Andrew Walsh (RCN), Lt Cdr Yvonne Michelle Gray, Lt Tim Stevens.
LMCDO ’97: Lt Cdr Clive Charles Markus Sturdy, A/Slt Lim Tek Hwai, Lt Wong Fu Chang.
LMCDO ‘97B: Cdr Andrew Mark Robert ‘Shakey’ Stevens RN/RAN, Lt Waveney Alan ‘Wave’ Crookes.
LMCDO ‘97B: Lt Gowan, Lt Andreas Kotleitner (RCN), Lt Cdr Garth Carson Atkinson, Lt Cdr Ian Michael Hopper, Lt Cdr Paul Andrew McDermott, Lt Cdr Michael Crowe, Lt Cdr Stephen David Walton.
Operational Updates & AGM
The Diving and Threat Exploitation Group will host operational update briefs at Bridge Building, Horsea Island commencing at 1000. A complimentary lunch will be available in the Horsea Island Officers and Senior Rates’ Mess from 1200 with the AGM starting at 1315. Members are encouraged to attend and make your voices heard. Please confirm your intention to attend one or both of the daytime events to the committee Honorary Secretary via email ( as names will be required to inform the gate staff to expect your arrival.
Booking & Payment
This year Nelson Wardroom has kindly agreed to process all applications and payments. Those wishing to attend either the lunch or dinner or both are to email the Mess Manager’s Assistant ( Please include any dietary requirements and, for the dinner, any seating preferences. Payment for the dinner is to be made by bank transfer only and the details are below. Closing date will be Wednesday 17 November 22 or before if all 100 spaces are taken.
Bank – RBS
A/C Name – HMS Nelson Wardroom Mess (Business account)
Sort Code – 16 19 26
Account No – 10717183
Reference – Name and MCDOA
Kind regards,
Kyle De-Banks
Lieutenant Royal Navy
Postscript: Unfortunately, the Fleet Commander is now unable to attend as our Guest of Honour but MCDOA past-President Rear Admiral Paddy McAlpine CBE has kindly consented to step into his place as our principal speaker.