Funeral of Surg Cdr Robert de Goldthorp Hanson RN
9 Nov 2022 - A sizeable number gathered at the Oaks Crematorium near Havant yesterday for the funeral of the late diving medicine specialist Bob 'Doc' Hanson, an associatey member of the MCDOA. Among those I recognised were Bob’s fellow diving medicine specialist and MCDOA associate member Surg Cdre Jim Sykes, MCDOA member Ralph Mavin (my astro-nav instructor at BRNC Dartmouth in 1971 and LMCDO course officer in 1976), former WO(D) Don 'Jimmy' Green and former CPO(D) Mike Handford (Project Vernon's Chairman of Trustees).
Mourners entered the chapel to the strains of 'Dawn' from Benjamin Britten's Sea Interludes and were then welcomed by the officiating minister, Bishop Paul Miles-Knight, Archbishop of the Ecumenical Catholic Church of the UK & Chaplain of the NMBVA (National Malaya & Borneo Veterans' Association). Charlie McIntosh (standard bearer of the NMBVA) and Peter Cox (standard bearer of the Lovedean & Horndean branch of the Royal British Legion) stood vigil throughout the service.
Mourners sang the Naval Hymn (Eternal Father) before Bishop Paul read a tribute on behalf of Moira in New Zealand. Eulogies were then delivered by Bob's fellow Masons Don Green (left) and Colin Scott (right) who worked with Bob at RNPL (the Royal Naval Physiology Laboratory including DTU (the Deep Trials Unit) at Alverstoke) during the 1970s/80s.
Bishop Paul (another Mason) then led the gathering in prayers before reading the poem 'Epitaph On My Own Friend' by Robbie Burns.
Bishop Paul conducted the Commendation and Committal to the instrumental sound of a single verse from 'The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Has Ended'. 'The Last Post', sounded by Royal Marine buglers Adam Saunders and Stephanie Greening from HMS COLLINGWOOD, was followed by a minute's silence which ended with 'Reveille'.
After Bishop Paul's closing words and Blessing, the congregation filed out to a recording of 'The Little Admiral' from Songs Of The Fleet.
Most family members and other mourners repaired to The Bird in Hand at Lovedean where glasses were raised in Bob's memory. I was able to take a group photo of family members and another with Bob's widow Mo (Maureen).
Members of Bob Hanson’s family
Bob Hanson’s wife Mo with Your humble Webmaster (Rob Hoole)
I am sure all members of our community will join me in extending Bob's wife Mo and his other family members our sincere condolences on their sad loss.