A Distinguished Group of Divers

Gathering at Horsea Island

3 Oct 2022 - On Friday 23 September, I joined fellow MCDOA member Bernie Bruen MBE DSC, my old friend and LMCDO ‘76 course-mate, at Horsea Island for a gathering of distinguished divers through the ages, including 98 year-old WWII 'P' Party veteran Johnny Payne. Our visit included a short ceremony in the memorial garden plus group photos and an acquaint on current gear.


Oldest surviving ‘P’ Party diver?

Until recently, diving history chronicler Eamon ‘Ginge’ Fullen QGM and I thought Johnny was the oldest surviving 'P' Party diver but last month I discovered Don Lomer, a 99 year-old 'P' Party veteran in Canada who is due to celebrate his 100th birthday in November. I have put Ginge in touch with Don and they have since conversed.


HDS Working Equipment Group

On our way out, we stopped at the Army diving training area where Ty Burton, Les Rutherford, Peter Wingett and Roger Forster of the Historical Diving Society's Working Equipment Group were giving some of today's Navy & Army trainees a taste of diving in standard (hard hat) gear.


Dinner on board HMS VICTORY

In the evening, most of us mustered in the Royal Maritime Club (old Home Club) before walking into Portsmouth Naval Base for a splendid dinner on board HMS VICTORY, the oldest warship in the world still in commission.


Al Nekrews OBE QGM presided, Michael Fellows MBE DSC BEM* gave a speech as the principal guest and Bernie recited one of his poems and played the fiddle. Robert Henry Hawkins MBE said 'Grace' and John Dadd BEM also delivered a poem. The loyal toast was proposed by Bob Lusty, the longest qualified clearance diver.


MCDOA members in attendance included Bernie Bruen, Paul Guiver, Bob Hawkins, David Hilton, Rob Hoole, Bob Lusty, Al Nekrews and Graham ‘Tug’ Wilson. The whole splendid event was organised by Ginge Fullen to whom we are all extremely grateful.


Death of Surg Cdr Robert 'Bob' De Goldthorp Hanson RN


Deepwater Diving Helmet Font & MCDOA Helmet at HMS EXCELLENT