Recent Tweets of Interest
22 Jun 2023 - Click on the linked dates to see all associated photos and videos.
Royal Navy
15 Jun 2023 - “Haunting imagery of two WWI Royal Navy wrecks has been captured by divers working with Orkney Museums to help historians better understand the tragedies. Nearly 1,600 people died when HMS Hampshire sank and HMS Vanguard blew up in Orkney.”
1 Jun 2023 - “Chief Petty Officer [Mine Warfare] Lewis ‘Flash’ Gordon is highly appreciated by the Americans as he is presented with rare decoration. CPO Gordon received the Navy Achievement Medal for his services to the international effort to maintain peace and security in the Gulf region.”
24 May 2023 - “The future of Royal Navy minehunting took a giant step forward today as new mother ship RFA Stirling Castle began training and trials off Plymouth. She will serve as a home to autonomous/remotely-operated mine systems, replacing traditional minehunters.”
Commander UK Mine Countermeasures Force (COMUKMCMFOR)
18 Jun 2023 - “Happy Fathers Day from UKMCMFOR! An especially big thanks to all the Dads who are currently deployed around the world and their families back home that send their love and support.”
11 Jun 2023 - “When working with our partners we share information and skills, ensuring best practise is followed in a developing environment.”
8 Jun 2023 - “Developing autonomous capability ensures we stay at the cutting end of technology, ready to face threats as they emerge. Sharing these skills with international colleagues means we learn together.”
24 May 2023 - “It's been a fantastic six months working with the driven people of UKMCMFOR and our international partners. While Red Watch are done, White Watch take the mantle of leading the UK MCM Force, now in its 16th year of operations in the region. Cdr Herridge hands Command to Cdr Hurman.”
21 May 2023 - “Congratulations to the combined Communications teams of RFA Cardigan Bay and UKMCMFOR who have received a UKMCC Middle East Commendation.”
17 May 2023 - “The UK has had a mine-hunting presence in the Gulf for over 15 years. Royal Navy mine hunters are currently deployed to support freedom of navigation and safeguard the flow of international trade. We work closely with the US 5th Fleet, IMSC Sentinel and other partners on this mission.”
NATO Maritime Command
26 May 2023 - “SNMCMG1 cleared 40 historic mines from the Irbe Strait during Baltic Exercise Open Spirit 23. Hosted by the Latvian Navy, 7 Allied nations worked together, improving mine Countermeasure skills, vital to ensuring freedom of navigation for all.”
Commander Standing NATO MCM Group 1 (SNMCMG1)
14 Jun 2023 - “SNMCMG1 is taking part in Ex BALTOPS 23, a major maritime-focused exercise in the Baltics, first held in 1972. For five decades, Allies & partners have been operating together in the region, building a lasting legacy of collective defence.”
12 Jun 2023 - “BALTOPS 23 is more than an annual exercise. It is an exercise bringing together a robust constellation of Allies and Partners to conduct exercises that safeguard security, prosperity, and the free and open international order. That’s something SNMCMG1 is proud to be a part of.”
9 Jun 2023 - “SNMCMG1 transiting to their next task together with Allied units last evening.”
2 Jun 2023 - “Only two more days until BALTOPS 23 kicks off in the Baltic Sea. This year's exercise features mine counter-measures, anti-submarine, air-defense, amphibious operations, unmanned surface vehicle operations & more throughout the Baltic region.”
1 Jun 2023 - “The last couple of days SNMCMG1 has conducted MCM operations in Finnish territorial waters together with the Finnish Navy. This is the first time SNMCMG1 cooperates with the Finnish Navy after Finland joined NATO in April.”
Commander Standing NATO MCM Group 2 (SNMCMG2)
17 Jun 2023 - “SNMCMG2 participated in Spanish Exercise FLOTEX-23. During this very well-planned combined exercise, units conducted intense MCM Ops and increased mutual trainings, all evolving in a realistic scenario that enhanced our readiness level.”
3 Jun 2023 - “After a three-month deployment, ESPS TAJO from Spanish Navy detached SNMCMG2. It was a privilege and pleasure to sail with them. COMSNMCMG2 greatly appreciates their outstanding performance and professionalism. Fair winds and following seas!”
27 May 2023 - “Today, we celebrate the 24th anniversary of SNMCMG2! We respectfully commemorate and greet all the sailors who have served SNMCMG2 since 1999 and provided NATO Response Force with a fully integrated MCM capability for operations.”
21 May 2023 - “Upon completion of her deployment HS EVROPI [EUROPA formerly HMS BICESTER] from Hellenic Navy started to transit back to her home base. COMSNMCMG2 thanks for their outstanding performance and professionalism, and wishes them fair winds and following seas.”
20 May 2023 - “SNMCMG2 participated in Spanish Mine Warfare exercise ESP MINEX-23. This exercise improved cooperation and effectiveness of allied units in expeditionary mine countermeasure operation, in a realistic multi-threat scenario.”
30 May 2023 - “A reassuring presence. During routine maritime security operations, we sailed alongside our sister ship HMS Middleton and merchant shipping in the Gulf.”
22 May 2023 - “Goodbye Glasgow! Thanks for the great weather and the hospitality. Hope to see you again soon.”
18 May 2023 - “Brushing up on some key Mine Countermeasure skills under the watchful eye of FOST, putting our Crew 8 stamp on M39.”
21 Jun 2023 - “Lt Cdr S Reeves RN has officially handed over MCM2 C3 to Lt Cdr C Clark RN. This now marks a new chapter for MCM2 C3 with the regeneration of LEDB getting ready to conduct future operations.”
15 Jun 2023 - “Today, we celebrated HMS LEDBURY's 42nd Birthday - the oldest operational warship in the Royal Navy! Our people are what makes a Ship and we were grateful to Capt Vickery joining the celebrations and taking time to recognise the efforts of some of the Crew. BZ to all!”
29 May 2023 - “In the finest traditions of the Royal Navy, Crew 3 Splice the main brace. God Save the King!”
6 Jun 2023 - “After a productive weekend at the Sea Bangor Festival 2023, we took the opportunity to recognise two of our sailors for their outstanding efforts over the last few months and as well to Splice The Main Brace, celebrating the King’s Coronation!”
4 Jun 2023 - “We had such a spectacular day at HMS Penzance at Sea Bangor2023 yesterday! We are back again today. Same place , same time . Great to see some familiar faces and chat to members of the public about all the career opportunities the RN Reserve has to offer.”
4 Jun 2023 - “Amazing to have you down supporting us yesterday! We’re not open for visitors today at Sea Bangor2023 but HMS Hibernia are just opposite! Thanks to everyone who came down yesterday, we hope you enjoyed yourselves!”
3 Jun 2023 - “Sea Bangor underway at Eisenhower Pier! We’re open to visitors until 1600 today, and have our crack rowing squad ready for the event this afternoon!”
2 Jun 2023 - “Coming alongside Bangor this morning ahead of the Sea Bangor Festival! Looking forward to seeing everyone for a SOTV tomorrow!”
31 May 2023 - “Everyone on Crew 1 would like to wish our own ET(WE) Jay Crawford and AB(D) Callum Oliver the best after being presented with their Royal Victorian Medals for their part in Her late Majesty’s Funeral last year! BZ.”
30 May 2023 - “This weekend we will be alongside Bangor, NI for the Sea Bangor Festival! We’re running tours of the ship from 1200-1600 and will be entering a team in the rowing event on Saturday. Come find us at Eisenhower Pier on Saturday.”
29 May 2023 - “Crew 1 would like to say a big thank you to Belfast for welcoming us. Ship’s company used the 48 hour stand down period to relax, see the sights and enjoy the best of the city.”
28 May 2023 - “Last week ship’s company has been keeping their weapon handling in date. As standard practice, all watch keepers are to ensure they know how to handle an SA80 safely and confidently every 100 days. Marksmen all round.”
17 May 2023 - “Over the last couple of weeks PENZ has been up in the Inner Sound, North of Skye! In between Ops, Crew 1 took advantage of the weather to get some members ashore for a leg stretch and then up to Stornoway for the weekend to recoup!”
24 May 2023 - “RFA Stirling Castle quietly enjoying the morning sunshine before a long day of platform familiarisation and training.”
23 May 2023 - “Captain Ali Clack has the ship for departure today from Devonport following an extended period alongside converting to UK flag. The RFA Headquarters ship’s company have worked fantastically together to achieve this milestone. Let the trials commence!”
23 May 2023 - “The first ship's company of RFA Stirling Castle handover this week following a busy three months of generation. Everyone here has worked fantastically well to make this ship our home and ready to support future tasking.”
Mine Threat Exploitation Group (MTXG)
20 Jun 2023 - “AUV launch! Any spotters know what class of warship that is in the distance? Or even who?”
19 Jun 2023 - “RNMB HELLCAT transiting with RNMB HEBE in Scotland. Some Monday Motivation for our Twitter followers.”
8 Jun 2023 - “The other side of contact running, the operator driving the ROV to the contact to identify and gather imagery.”
7 Jun 2023 - “What happens we when find a contact? We identify it using our Remote Operated Vehicle!”
27 May 2023 - “Calibrating our AUV as part of Standard Operator Checks (SOCs).”
24 May 2023 - “Towed Side Scan Sonar operations underway!”
23 May 2023 - “Towed Side-Scan Sonar operations. Some of the team monitor sonar safety, while others keep a good all-round lookout.”
18 May 2023 - “RNMB HEBE and HMS Defender.”
17 May 2023 - “A well deserved break from tasking for the some of the team who visited Rothesay today. Thank you for the photos David.”
David Swan
17 May 2023 - “Good to see RNMB Hebe doon the watter in Rothesay Harbour again, for a fish supper?”
17 May 2023 - “Great to work with HMS Biter today and test operating our ROV from their Ship.”
17 May 2023 - “A week of training and endorsements on HEBE in Scotland whilst maintaining our operational tasking!”
Penny Mordaunt MP (Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons)
16 Jun 2023 - “Very grateful to Commander UKMCMF for facilitating my visit to MCM2, my first in my affiliated role. Proud to be working with them and raising the profile of what they do. Later this month I’ll be hosting them and their spouses in Parliament. Very proud of them all.”
Penny Mordaunt MP on board HMS CATTISTOCK
On This Day RN
11 Jun 2023 - “On This Day in 1981 HMS Ledbury was commissioned. She is the oldest operational ship of the Royal Navy and is still serving on operations to this day. At the time one of the most expensive ships per metre built due to her GRP hull but good value after 42 years of service.”
Navy Lookout
21 Jun 2023 - “Ex-HMS Cromer towed into Portsmouth this afternoon, having been used as a static training ship (named the Hindostan) at BRNC Dartmouth since 2002.”
19 Jun 2023 - “HMS PEMBROKE departing Campbeltown this morning.”
16 Jun 2023 - “Ukrainian Naval Ships Chernihiv (ex-HMS Grimsby) and Cherkasy (ex-HMS Shoreham) sail from Rosyth this morning.”
14 Jun 2023 - “RNMB Apollo USV has achieved safety certification for operation under shore-based control - first UK Military clearance of its kind. Part of the Anglo-French Maritime Mine Counter Measures (MMCM) programme.”
6 Jun 2023 - “HMS Penzance sails from Bangor yesterday after hosting visitors for the Sea Bangor Festival.”
3 Jun 2023 - “BNS Lobelia and BNS Crocus taking on fuel alongside in Portsmouth yesterday.”
3 Jun 2023 - “HMS Hurworth inbound to Portsmouth this morning.”
23 May 2023 - “The new mothership for autonomous mine countermeasures systems RFA Strlng Castle sails from Devonport this morning to begin sea trials.”
21 May 2023 - “HMS Hurworth heading down the Clyde this afternoon outbound from Glasgow.“
16 May 2023 - “HMS Middleton marks 40 years of RN service while forward-deployed in Bahrain. During her lifetime she has sailed 430,000 nm and spent the equivalent of 8½ years at sea. The first minehunter to be equipped with Thales UK ORCA Combat Management System.”
Steve A Wenham
21 Jun 2023 - “Ex-HMS Cromer arrives at Portsmouth under tow.”
16 Jun 2023 - “RN dive/work boats high and dry at Victoria Quay.”
11 Jun 2023 - “HMS Hurworth seen arriving back at Portsmouth yesterday.”
4 Jun 2026 - “BNS Lobelia departing [Portsmouth] yesterday.”
3 Jun 2023 - “BNS Lobelia and Crocus alongside at Portsmouth.”
17 May 2023 - “Dilligence sits in the lock, awaiting the final tow to the breakers.”
George Emmett
5 Jun 2023 - “BNS Crocus departed from Portsmouth on the 3/6/2023.”
3 Jun 2023 - “BNS Lobelia departing from Portsmouth on the 3/6/2023.”
3 Jun 2023 - “HMS Hurworth arriving into Portsmouth on the 3/6/2023.”
2 Jun 2023 - “BNS Lobelia arriving into Portsmouth on the 2/6/2023.”
2 Jun 2023 - “BNS Crocus arriving into Portsmouth on the 2/6/2023.”
Royal Navy in Scotland
19 Jun 2023 - “Departing the former royal burgh of Campbeltown on the Kintyre Peninsula this Monday is the Royal Navy MCMV & HMNB Clyde based HMS PEMBROKE. DYK, there was once >30 whisky distilleries in Campbeltown & it was the self-proclaimed Whisky capital of the world!”
17 May 2023 - “Last weekend, HMS Penzance visited Stornoway in the Outer Hebrides. Whilst there, they paid their respects at the HMY IOLARE memorial. On behalf of the ship, thank you for the local welcome. BZ MCM Crew 1.”
Amy Savage
3 Jun 2023 - “FS Aldébaran departing Cardiff this morning.”
3 Jun 2023 - “FS Antarès departing Cardiff this morning.”
Michele Florio
1 Jun 2023 - “In October 2005 off the Isle of Wight the Royal Navy last employed the combined influence minesweeping method using manned minesweepers. The MCMVs HMS Middleton M34 and HMS Ledbury M30 were used for magnetic minesweeping. The future will be autonomous unmanned systems.”