Reunion of international co-authors of mine warfare books

7 Apr 2023 - During the past few days, your humble webmaster has been hosting Cdr David Bruhn USN (Rtd), his wife Nancy and their two adult sons David & Michael. They have much enjoyed looking around the Portsmouth area, especially Gunwharf Quays (formerly HMS VERNON), and sampling the museums, pubs and restaurants. The last time we met was nine years ago in their home town of San Francisco.


David commanded the US Navy MCMVs USS DEXTROUS and USS GLADIATOR in the Gulf ten years after I was there in 1988/89 commanding the brand new Hunt class MHSC HMS BERKELEY (later the ill-fated HS KALLISTO in the Greek Navy).


To date, David and I have jointly-published four books, three of which form a trilogy covering Allied mine warfare operations during the First and Second World Wars. Another, titled 'Stream Gear', covers Allied mine warfare operations in the Mediterranean during the Second World and is due for release later this year. I donate all the proceeds from my personal sales to Project Vernon for the continuing upkeep of the Vernon Mine Warfare & Diving Monument in Gunwharf Quays, formerly HMS VERNON in Portsmouth. Our books can be found on the Amazon website here:

The Bruhns are spending the rest of their time in the UK in Scotland and London before flying back Stateside.


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