Recent tweets of interest

12 Feb 2023 - Click on the linked dates to see all associated photos and videos.


6 Feb 2022 - “Our port visit into Dublin city centre this weekend hosted and welcomed by RNA Dublin. We look forward to working with you again soon. Thank you for a top class run ashore!”


Irish Naval Service personnel visiting HMS BROCKLESBY in Dublin


24 Jan 2023 - “Great to work with our friends in the Marine Nationale. Photos of FS JAGUAR & FS LYNX also in company with FS GUEPARD & FS TIGRE conducting coordinated manoeuvres


2 Feb 2023 - “STARS, STRIPES AND WHITE ENSIGN. The Crew 2 dive team recently conducted joint training with our American partners in the Expeditionary MCM Company 1. Promoting stronger working relationships with our partners in the region.”


Underwater stars, stripes and white ensign



11 Feb 2023 - “1/2 Another successful week of BOST for Crew 6. Having proved our ability to defend the ship against surface and chemical attacks, it’s now time to prove our ability to keep the high seas clear of mines.”




11 Feb 2023 - 2/2.

8 Feb 2023 - “Working on our BOST AFIs with an afternoon Olympiad of Davit Dexterity, Heaving Line Hoying, Location Marking Lottery and Extreme EDBA Enrobing. Results to follow post curry night.”

5 Feb 2023 - “After a busy and challenging first week of BOST, Crew 6 are rested and ready to go again. Bring on Monday.”

1 Feb 2023 - “A photographic reminder courtesy of @ScotlandDX that even on BOST there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In this case it’s the mighty HMS HURWORTH with the excellent team from FOST MPV embarked. Bonus points if you spot the Bosun and XO dit-spinning.”

27 Jan 2023 - “What a glorious way to mark our arrival in Scotland. An early start to come to a buoy in Rothesay Sound was certainly worth it. We even made sure to pay the harbour master a visit on our quest for 4 o’clockers.”

26 Jan 2023 - “We do it all on small ships. From warfare logistics officers, to catering services gunners. Whole ship, not part of ship.”

21 Jan 2023 - “1/2 It’s been a busy week for HURWORTH. In states 1, 2, and 3 the ship has been proving its ability to defends itself from attack, while keeping the sea lanes open for others. There have been a few great photos along the way too.”

21 Jan 2023 - “2/2 Thank you @AWenham1, @georgeemmett8, @Kelstongh, @NemoSalus. Your photos help remind us we’re pretty cool….”

16 Jan 2023 - “Back at it in 2023. @CorbenJake, you’ve got an excellent eye for photographing the tip of the spear.”

12 Jan 2023 - “15 years of good conduct. BZ Coxswain!”


2 Feb 2023 - “Crew 3 took advantage of the Bridge sim at HMS COLLINGWOOD this week, conducting training to ensure the Crew are ready to get back to sea! It was also an opportunity for the Navigator to undergo training for his Command exams acting as CO.”

26 Jan 2023 - “AB(MW) Randal and AB(D) Andrews showing off their medals from the RN snow sports festival with AB(D) Andrews becoming men’s overall snowboard champion. A great achievement by both and a great few weeks for all involved.”


AB(MW) Randal and AB(D) Andrews showing off their medals


24 Jan 2023 - “Crew 3’s Commanding Officer had the privilege to award the Long Service and Good Conduct medal to LD Foxwell. An excellent achievement showing exemplary conduct and loyalty to the Royal Navy.”


29 Jan 2023 - “The Captain gave the Navigator's Yeoman, AB Stan ‘Creepy’ Crawley, his seat for the transit back to Bahrain. Good luck in your next draft!”


AB Stan ‘Creepy’ Crawley in HMS MIDDLETON’s Captain’s chair


16 Jan 2023 - “We have had our anchors removed today for their bi-annual certification! The team also moved 15 shackles of cable onto the jetty!”


26 Jan 2023 - “Good Morning HMS PENZANCE. After a busy week of training our mine warfare and damage control teams, it's good to see our big sister in Rosneath for some flashing light practice between our Seaman Specialists.”

16 Jan 2023 - “Back at sea in 2023, HMS PEMBROKE took a break from busy Ship's Company training to exercise the seamanship team in coming to a buoy in stunning Rothesay Bay.”


HMS PEMBBROKE at a buoy in Rothesay Bay



11 Feb 2023 - “Hello Falmouth Town UK! Hello HMS BROCKLESBY. Great to see our partner in Ops in this beautiful sea-side locale, after a busy week at sea.”




8 Feb 2023 - “Red sky at night, mine hunters delight! Pretty epic sunset enjoyed by Crew 8 last night.”

6 Feb 2023 - “Morning HMS HURWORTH. Great to see you on the patch. Best of luck from all of Crew 8 with your Operational Sea Training!”

4 Feb 2023 - “Think we have a new 30mm aimer! Great to have members of UKHO on board and an opportunity to share how we support each other.”

2 Feb 2023 - “A very big congratulations to Leaders Thorburn, Dodds and AB Rowan-Thompson on passing their Boards! Much deserved. Continue doing Crew 8 and HMS PENZANCE proud.“

31 Jan 2023 - “It was a perfect evening for some weather observations.”

30 Jan 2023 - “Farewell Isle of Man. We have had a great visit and thank you very much for looking after us so well and making Crew 8 feel so welcome.”

30 Jan 2023 - “Crew 8 has had a great stop in the Isle of Man. We hope we get to come back soon.”

30 Jan 2023 - “The King William College CCF got stuck right in when they came on board manning the 30mm and getting dive equipment on was great to see.”


King William College CCF Cadet on board HMS PENZANCE in Falmouth


29 Jan 2023 - “We really enjoyed having some of the RNLI Douglas Crew and also TT Marshals onboard over the weekend. Was great to learn about them and more about the Isle of Man.”

29 Jan 2023 - “It was great to have his Excellency, The Worshipful Mayor of Douglas, Consort Cllr Crellin, The Deputy President of Tynwald and Isle of Man Government Armed Forces Champion on board. A real honour and great to share what Crew 8 have been up to.”

27 Jan 2023 - “Hello Isle of Man! Great to be here and Crew are looking forward to the run ashore!”

26 Jan 2023 - “Good morning! Hope you're having a beautiful morning like we are. Crew 8 are supporting training for Crew 1 out in the patch.”

13 Jan 2023 - “Outbound HMS PENZANCE passing Wemyss Bay this morning. Almost missed the low-flying Hercules?”


Mark Shaw promotes Mine Hunting Capability programme


Mark Durkin completes 39 years in the Royal Navy