New Year Honour for Don Crosbie


31 Dec 2022 - Hearty congratulations to MCDOA member Don Crosbie on being appointed (NOT awarded!) an OBE (Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in the 2023 New Year Honours list published today:

“King Charles' first honours list sees Captain (now Commodore) Don Crosbie being awarded an OBE for his work pushing the boundaries of UK-US minehunting operations in the Gulf.

As Deputy Commander of Task Force 52 – the US Navy's permanent mine warfare force deployed in Bahrain – Captain Crosbie's inspirational leadership, dedication and energy drove ever closer relations between British and US minehunters, dive teams and especially tech as both navies look to make use of autonomous systems, drones and crewless craft to hunt down and neutralise underwater devices.”

The full list of Royal Navy New Year honours is available here.


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