Funeral of Lt Cdr David Bryan Burstall RN

20 Nov 2022 - St Peter's church in Petersfield was packed to the rafters for yesterday’s funeral of former Clearance Diving Officer David Burstall and it was good to see fellow MCDOA member Colin Welborn, a Petersfield resident, in the congregation.

The scanned pages of the Order of Service are shown below. As can be seen, it followed the traditional naval format.


After the service, most mourners retired to the Follies Wine Bar where I had this photo taken with David's daughter Nicola (Mouse), wife Jane, and son James Burstall. I am sure all members of our community will join me in extending them our sincere condolences on their sad loss.


A streamed video of the service is still available at


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Petersfield Post obituary for Lt Cdr David Bryan Burstall RN