Dave Miln suffers traumatic injuries (Includes significant updates)

1 Jan 2023 - Former MCDOA member Dave Miln qualified as an RN MCD officer in March 2013 and served as Ops and XO of Hunt class minehunters and on exchange in Australia before transferring to the Royal Australian Navy. Most recently, he has been on exchange in the USA and WO1(MW) Steve 'Bunny' Warren has drawn my attention to this incident as described by Dave’s wife Clare:

"In the early morning of 15 December 2022, Dave, Isla and Anna [his daughters] had an interaction with a mechanical road snow blower on the way to ski lessons while on leave in Northern California.

Dave was able to place himself between the blower and the girls until such time as it was shut down safely. Clare [Dave's wife] was able to make split-second decisions that also saved everyones' lives before going with the girls to the local hospital and later on to Reno. Owing to the extent of his injuries, Dave spent approximately a further hour in the machine, having been set up safely by Clare, before being cut out and moved to medical transport, remaining conscious throughout.

All the family has suffered from a massive mental trauma. Isla has broken both her legs and is unable to bear any weight for the next five weeks or so. She is expected to make a full physical recovery and is already doing so well.

Dave is now a double amputee above the knee of the left and below the knee on the right-hand side as well as breaking both femurs, pelvis, L2-L4 and L6 transverse, a sacral and finally three ribs. We are glad for the amount of work and help that the hospital has done in keeping him away from the edge with seven different surgeries in the past 13 days.

We are currently awaiting a medical transfer back to Sydney, Australia where we will be based initially at the Royal North Shore Hospital to (quite literally in some cases) find our feet. We appreciate the overwhelming support and friendship we have received from all corners so far and wanted to say that if we do not respond immediately, please give us time as we are most likely caught up somewhere else, not that we do not care.

As always, heads up and keep smiling!"


Dave has added:

"I would not be alive without the split-second and life-saving decisions of my wife. She's my hero in all of this!"

I am sure all members of our community will join me in extending our thoughts and prayers to Dave and his family.

3 Jan 2023 - An update by Dave:

“G’day all. For those of you that haven’t received the message, I managed to to get past my blood infections and get on a medical flight back to Sydney. I’m now based out of the Royal North Shore; I am currently isolated due to being an overseas Covid risk (I tested negative on all tests…). I have a few corrective operations this week and check-ups over the rest of the body before I start moving into my mobility phase with the hospital.

Isla was discharged from hospital back to Clare with internal and external pins in her legs.

While I have been in hospital, Clare has been caring for both girls as well as packing up our San Diego house and getting it ready for shipping. After managing a flight back to Sydney with both Isla and Anna we will hopefully all be together again on Fri 6 Jan.”


12 Jan 2022 - A Go Fund Me page has been set up in support of Dave and his family here:

Miln Family - Love and Support Fund


This is an excerpt:

“…There are MANY financial costs (some still unknown) involved for the Miln family to re-establish themselves in Sydney and for all the necessities Dave and the family will now need. These may include things like vehicle modifications for Dave, household equipment and modification and other bits and pieces that Dave will need in adapting to his disability. Please understand that anything we can collect isn’t towards medical costs, they are covered by Defence, but Defence is unable to directly fund all the bits and pieces we take for granted in daily life, many of which aren’t going to be compatible with Dave’s condition. All the funds raised will go directly to The Milns, in helping the family adapt to those new challenges…”

18 Jan 2023 - During their virtual meeting today, MCDOA committee members agreed to donate £250 towards the Go Fund Me campaign supporting Dave and his family.


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