Recent Tweets of Interest

14 May 2023 - Click on the linked dates to see all associated photos and videos.

Commander UK Mine Countermeasures Force

25 Apr 2023 - “On this ANZAC day we remember, with our NZ exchange officer Lt [Warwick] Creasy, all those who have served Australia and New Zealand.”


24 Apr 2023 - “A combined staff commanded autonomous systems during exercise ARTEMIS TRIDENT. Exciting capabilities were tested to detect exercise mines. The USA, France and UK exchanged ideas and showed what can be achieved when we work together with our international partners.”

17 Apr 2023 - “French divers use RFA CARDIGAN BAY as a platform to conduct counter mine drills during Exercise ARTEMIS TRIDENT, a tri-nation exercise between the Royal Navy, the US Navy and the Marine Nationale.”

COMSNMCMG1 (Commander Standing NATO MCM Group 1)

11 May 2023 - “It is a historic day. NATO’s oldest maritime group, we celebrate our 50th anniversary with our Shipmates, past and present, in Riga, Latvia. Since 1973 our multinational team has patrolled the waters across Northern Europe countermining to provide safe passage for all mariners.”


COMSNMCMG2 (Commander Standing NATO MCM Group 2)

7 May 2023 - “Palma PVST gave us the opportunity to make a visit to CO of COMANDANCIA DE PALMA, the former COMSNMCMG2 CPT Javier NUNEZ DE PRADO APARICIO. And we received a warm welcome from CO of Spanish MCM Forces CPT F. Javier RUIZ RUIZ DE CORTAZAR.”

6 May 2023 - “SNMCMG2 composed of Flagship TCG YZB.GÜNGÖR DURMUŞ, ESPS TAJO, HS EVROPI [HS EUROPA formerly HMS BICESTER] and ITS ALGHERO arrived in Palma, after a transit full of trainings that improved our readiness and interoperability. Our group is ready for SPANISH MINEX-23.”


28 Apr 2023 - “SNMCMG2 participated in Italian Mine Warfare exercise MARE APERTO/ITA MINEX-23. During this combined exercise, units conducted intense mine countermeasure operations in a realistic multi-threat scenario that enhanced our readiness level.”

18 Apr 2023 - “Upon completion of her deployment HNLMS MAKKUM from Royal Netherlands Navy started to transit back to her home base. COMSNMCMG2 thanks them for their outstanding performance and professionalism, and wishes them fair winds and following seas.”


13 May 2023 - “Fog lookouts close up!”

9 May 2023 - “Lt Cdr Lindsey has assumed Command of HMS HURWORTH, MCM2 Crew 8 have taken up the reigns from Crew 6.”


2 May 2023 - “1/2 We returned to Portsmouth this morning after a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend at the Jersey Boat Show. Over the course of the weekend we spent three days open to the public, demonstrating what it is that Royal Navy minehunters get up to!”


1 May 2023 - “It’s our final day of being open to the public at the Jersey Boat Show!”

Victoria College, Jersey CCF

30 Apr 2023 - “This morning our Royal Navy Section Cadets were fortunate to receive a tour of HMS HURWORTH. BZ to the crew for their hospitality and taking the time to share information about their role and life at sea.”

Brigadier Jock Fraser Royal Marines

30 Apr 2023 - “Delighted to host guests on board HMS HURWORTH to conclude a fantastic Jersey Boat Show first day. We enjoy exceptional community partnerships in Jersey. Thank you for your enduring support to the Royal Navy and Royal Marines family.”

29 Apr 2023 - “Fantastic first day in the sunshine at Barclays Jersey Boat Show. As always, warmest of welcomes for our Royal Navy sailors & Royal Marines from the people of Jersey.”

Victoria College CCF - Contingent Commander

29 Apr 2023 - “Thank you to the Ship’s crew of HMS HURWORTH for an enjoyable drinks reception this evening. Enjoy your time ashore and stay in Jersey.”

Steve A Wenham

27 Apr 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH heads out this morning.”

26 Apr 2023 - “HURWORTH was pleased to host Thales UK today to provide insight into life onboard one of His Majesty’s warships. It also allowed us to provide context on the changes in mine warfare to industry partners. A H Visram was even able to catch up with his CO from his time on HURWORTH!”

21 Apr 2023 - “Heading to the Jersey Boat Show for the Bank Holiday? If so, use the link to book a ticket to have a tour of the finest (in our opinion) minehunter in the Royal Navy. Crewed by the mighty Crew 6, we will be there all weekend!”


28 Apr 2023 - “Fantastic effort from Crew 3 with the fastest ship’s time achieved! A grand total of 334,722m. Thank you to all those who supported! “


27 Apr 2023 - “Today MCM2 Crew 3 have commenced our 24 hour charity row in aid of Lt Cdr Dave Miln. Come and show your support at HMNB Portsmouth HMS NELSON gymnasium.”

Steve A Wenham

22 Apr 2023 - “HMS LEDBURY seen out in the open this week for the first time in 13 months.”

19 Apr 2023 - “Phase 1 complete! LEDBURY is back out of the sheds and another step closer to returning to frontline operations at sea.”



17 Apr 2023 - “Being on operations is hard work and the demands of the job never cease. We recognise when one of our Sailors has performed exceptionally. Therefore our Sailor of the Month for March is ET(ME) O’Hanlon. BZ!!”


Mine Threat Exploitation Group (MTXG)

3 May 2023 - “AUV operations from a PAC 22 [Halmatic Pacific 22 Rigid Inflatable Boat]. IVER [Iver 4 580 model underwater vehicle] conducts a mission while the team carry out training.”

27 Apr 2023 - “Boat checks complete! The teams all use Vahana craft with various different equipment sets.”

24 Apr 2023 - “How it started…vs how it’s going! Today we are finessing our boat driving skills.”

21 Apr 2023 - “Throwback to trials in Scotland earlier this year. Looking forward to more days like this!”

20 Apr 2023 - “Sunshine in Cornwall today! Some of the team are training on Vahana craft this week.”


Navy Lookout

19 Apr 2023 - “HMS LEDBURY brought out of the shed (on the jack-up-barge Typhoon 3000) today as her refit progresses.”

PO News Hub

23 Apr 2023 - “The Vernon Monument outside the Old Customs House at Gunwharf Quays.”


Steve A Wenham

12 May 2023 - “RN dive boat RECLAIM.”


10 May 2023 - “Ex-RFA DILLIGENCE. The wait continues for the old girl.”

6 May 2023 - “Coronation Day - seems appropriate to show images of the King's previous command, HMS BRONINGTON. Seen in Aug 1988, laid up at Portsmouth and in 1990, being towed to Manchester for use as a museum.”

1 May 2023 - “Erupting Volcano! DSB [Diving Support Boat] VOLCANO heads for Victoria Quay.”


28 Apr 2023 - “Thales autonomous MCM boat (possibly ABDIEL) seen making for Gosport Marina.”


26 Apr 2023 - “DILLIGENCE seen being moved to Fountain Lake in readiness for her final tow to the breakers.”


26 Apr 2023 - “DILLIGENCE was moved off her berth in 3 basin into the lock yesterday, ready to go tidal and eventual tow to the breakers”

22 Apr 2023 - “HMS BROCKLESBY seen being lifted out by the Jack-Up-Barge yesterday in readiness for refit.”


18 Apr 2023 - “HMS BROCKLESBY heads for 3 Basin and refit.”


Peter Laughton assumes Command of IMSC in Bahrain


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