Calling Notice for 2024 MCDOA Op Updates & Annual Dinner

25 Sep 24 - The calling notice has been emailed to MCDOA members for this year’s Operational Updates on Horsea Island and our 32nd anniversary Annual Dinner at HMS EXCELLENT, both of which will occur on Friday 22 November. Last year’s highly enjoyable events were well attended (see here).


Last year's dinner attendees in the wardroom at HMS EXCELLENT


Honorary Captain Sir Robin Knox-Johnston CBE RD RNR will be the guest speaker at our dinner which begins at 1900 for 1930. As usual, the format will be as for a traditional mess dinner, 2B or black tie. HMS NELSON’s Volunteer Band will provide its usual musical accompaniment. To improve the quality and volume of singing, the repertoire will be published to attendees in advance, for self-directed Dog Watch instruction.


Last year's dinner in the wardroom at HMS EXCELLENT

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, flanked by Gareth & Rob Hoole, at our annual dinner in the wardroom at HMS EXCELLENT in 2018


Again the committee has decided that the price for members should be £50, with guests paying £60. Association funds are also supplementing wine with dinner and there will be money behind the bar on completion.

The book will close on 14 November. You will see that the booking form linked via the email to members also includes a column for intention to attend lunch followed by the Operational Updates at Horsea. It is hoped that the PM timings will enable greater participation.


Last year’s Operational Updates on Horsea Island


This year, we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of LMCDO ‘74 and the 25th anniversary of LMCDO & MWO courses in 1999. Only bona fide MCDOA members and their guests are entitled to attend. Bona fide members include entitled MCDOs and MWOs plus WO(MWs) & WO(D)s who have registered for free associate membership. Honorary, life and associate members are included as well as long as they are registered.




If your membership has lapsed, you need to re-register via our MOJO Membership website and bring your subscription up to date after approval, before your membership will be reinstated so you can apply to attend the dinner. If you haven’t been a member until now, you need to go through the same procedure.

If you have any problems with booking, or further questions about the day, please contact Kevin Giles, our Social Secretary, on 077 5998 0101. Also, please inform him if you are a service leaver so you can be dined out for free.


MCDOA donates £1,000 towards restoration of HDS Diving Museum