Arrangements for the funeral of Cdr Robert Henry Hawkins MBE RN
Helensburgh Parish Church
12 Oct 2023 - MCDOA Committee member Bob Hawkins’ son Cameron (Cam) has published this announcement (see News item for 9 Oct 2023):
"The funeral of my father, Robert Henry Hawkins, will be taking place at Helensburgh Parish Church on Friday 27 October at 1230. The main service, with Naval representation, will be at the church and open to all. This will be followed by a ceremony at the crematorium for family.
Afterwards people in attendance not going to the crematorium will be welcome to the Rosslea Hall Hotel, where we will all arrive later as well after the second part.
I'm sure official news will come out in the Naval channels about the goings on but wanted to get this information out so anyone who wants to pay their respects to my father can plan to attend. There will also be a streamed video feed for anyone unable to attend in person.
Please share this with anyone you think this post may not reach. I think that there may be a lot of people coming to celebrate his life!
I plan to attend on behalf of the MCDOA as well as myself.
Postscript: Plans are afoot to hold a simultaneous service at St Barbara’s church in HMS EXCELLENT starting at 1230 on Friday 27 October. Watch this space.