Recent Tweets of Interest

15 Apr 2023 - Click on the linked dates to see all associated photos and videos.

Royal Navy

12 Apr 2023 - “If you start me, I'll never stop...
Many Hunt-class sailors have cranked up the Rover generator over 40 years... but now the last is being retired. The trusty emergency motor will be replaced as HMS BROCKLESBY undergoes refit in HM Naval Base Portsmouth.”

COMSNMCMG1 (Commander Standing NATO MCM Group 1)

14 Mar 2023 - “Let's summarize SNMCMG1`s participation in exercises.”

COMSNMCMG2 (Commander Standing NATO MCM Group 2)

13 Apr 2023 - “HS EVROPI [HS EUROPA formerly HMS BICISTER] from Hellenic Navy and ITS ALGHERO from Italian Navy joined #SNMCMG2 en route to Cagliari. COMSNMCMG2 took the opportunity to visit and welcome them to the Group. Our Group is getting larger and Stronger Together.”

5 Apr 2023 - “Departure of SNMCMG2 from the Port of Valletta with the spectacular maneuvers of HNLMS MAKKUM and ESPS TAJO.”

5 Apr 2023 - “SNMCMG2 visited Valletta. During the visit, COMSNMCMG2 paid a courtesy call to the Commander of Armed Forces of Malta and hosted a Force Reception that enhances cooperation and partnership with Malta.”

1 Apr 2023 - “After a three-month deployment ITS NUMANA from Italian Navy detached from the Group. COMSNMCMG2 thanks them for their outstanding performance and professionalism, and wishes them fair winds and following seas.”

30 Mar 2023 - “FS LYRE from French Navy detached from the Group. COMSNMCMG2 thanks them for their participation, and wishes them fair winds and following seas.”

28 Mar 2023 - “SNMCMG2 conducted various exercises including MCM and Diving Operations in vicinity of Patras coast in order to keep and further our high readiness level.”

20 Mar 2023 - “Our new unit from French Navy has joined SNMCMG2 during port visit in Souda. COMSNMCMG2 would like to welcome FS LYRE. Our Group is getting larger and Stronger Together.”

17 Mar 2023 - “Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group Two is participating in 🇬🇷 mine countermeasures Exercise ARIADNE-23. ARIADNE aims to improve capabilities of units conducting mine countermeasures operations in a multi-threat and multinational environment.”


6 Apr 2023 - “As MCM2 Crew 1 “The Fighting Aces” prepared to leave HMS BROCKLESBY, we recognised the excellence within our Crew awarding two Sailor of the month awards for Feb and Mar. Congratulations LCS Jarvis and AB(Sea) Burton!”

31 Mar 2023 - “Great to work with our Royal Navy colleagues RN MTXG, RN DTXG, HMS HURWORTH and HMS PEMBROKE during recent Exercise JOINT WARRIOR. Training on our readiness to operate in a Mine Warfare task group in support of our allies.”


6 Apr 2023 - “Proudly displaying our full suite of colours (and scaffolding) . CATTISTOCK is now handed back from BAE Systems plc in the hands of MCM2 Crew 8.”


3 Apr 2023 - “Recently, Crew 8 took to the opportunity to learn about how Naval History has shaped our modern world including visits to RNC GREENWICH, Chatham Dockyard and the historic Map Room of Southwick Park. Supported by RNRMC.


6 Apr 2023 - “HMS CATTISTOCK might be fresh out of the sheds, but there’s clearly only one winner for the “freshest focsle in town” contest. Thankfully the Yeoman was on hand to supervise the CO, while Ops won the cleanest ovies in 2 basin award.”

25 Mar 2023 - “1/4 That’s a wrap on HURWORTH and Crew 6’s training period in Scotland. In the last 10 weeks we have successfully conducted both BOST and Exercise Joint Warrior. In doing so we have been proven ready for frontline operations around the globe.”

25 Mar 2023 - “2/4 The Ship’s Company have spent most of this time either at action or in State 2 Defence Watches, where 50% of the crew are working and 50% resting for 6 hours at a time.”

25 Mar 2023 - “3/4 This has allowed us to maintain a high tempo of finding drill mines and even the odd uncharted wreck, at any time of the day, whatever the weather.”

25 Mar 2023 - “4/4 Not only have we proven our “traditional” mine hunting methods, but also worked with RN MTXG and their new autonomous capabilities. While our return to Portsmouth saw us training Phase 2 trainees from HMS COLLINGWOOD who represent the future of Mine Warfare.”

15 Mar 2023 - “A Piz-za morale was served up by the Senior Rates’ mess this evening as we get close to completing Ex JOINT WARRIOR.”

15 Mar 2023 - “Although the MCM element to Ex JOINT WARRIOR is taking place in Scotland, away from the main action in the Arctic circle, the weather got decidedly more Norwegian last night with some rather cold precipitation!”

14 Mar 2023 - ““Old Hunt New Tricks”. HURWORTH continues to lead the way, this time with the first Autonomous Vessel to MCM boat transfer as part of Ex JOINT WARRIOR.”


30 Mar 2023 - “It's a privilege to be able to recognise the hard work of some of the Crew, who embody both the ethos of the RN and can-do attitude of MCM2 - BZ to PO(ME) Wynne on the award of his Herbert Lott efficiency award & AB(MW) Randall for the award of the RVM [Royal Victorian Medal] from King Charles III.”


16 Mar 2023 - “That's ENDEX, JOINT WARRIOR 23-1 complete! Crew 5 has completed two weeks of intensive MCM training, which involved working with our colleagues at the Mine Warfare Battlestaff, MCM2 and NATO.Stats:
● 60+ Seafox runs
● 10 mixed gas dives
● 2 logstops
● 1 1st of class rafting


25 Mar 2023 - “Congratulations to our very own ET(WE) Jay Crawford who last year assisted pulling Her Majesty’s funeral carriage and has been awarded the Royal Victorian Medal (Silver)!”

22 Mar 2023 - “That’s a wrap from Penzance!! AB(D) Howard and LET(ME) Farmer seeing us into 1300 and the last few metres! Total managed 321,365m. We’ve raised nearly £600 so far for the Milns. Keep the donations coming in please and thank you for all your support!”

22 Mar 2023 - “Burning the midnight oil! RN Diving Officer and XO Lt Bennett taking us up to the halfway point! Thank you for all donations so far, please keep them coming!”

21 Mar 2023 - “1 hr down, 23 to go! Commanding Officer Lt Cdr Tim Castrinoyannakis takes over from AB(CS) Mair for the second stint of the 24 hour row challenge! Please donate at”

21 Mar 2023 - “And we’re off! Kickstarting Crew 1’s time on board with a fundraiser is L(CS) Halton. PENZANCE is raising money for ExRN Diver Dave Miln and his family who were involved in a horrible accident in December. To read more and donate please visit”

MTXG (Mine Threat Exploitation Group)

6 Apr 2023 - “Did someone say bank holiday weekend? Wishing all our followers a very happy Easter weekend!”

30 Mar 2023 - “MTXG Team 1 working with RFA CARDIGAN BAY in the Gulf”

30 Mar 2023 - “Working with AUVs requires them to be correctly ballasted in order to achieve optimum sonar imagery. In this photo we work with REMUS and a KRACKEN sonar fit.”

28 Mar 2023 - “Testing out IVER 4 in a sunny San Diego.”

27 Mar 2023 - “This ROV is used to ID contacts found using sonar. It has a video capability which allows the operator to view live contact information while on task.”

26 Mar 2023 - “Recently some of team WILTON enjoyed a break from routine tasking in Scotland to visit San Diego for training on a new AUV (IVER 4). The team spent a week working with the new variant ahead of it joining WILTON later this year.”

24 Mar 2023 - “Working with a REMUS vehicle during a trial a few weeks ago.”

22 Mar 2023 - “Getting some data to analyse on our Towed Sidescan Sonar course.”

21 Mar 2023 - “Which MCMV are we working with in this photo?”

20 Mar 2023 - “Great to work with HMS HURWORTH, HMS PEMBROKE & HMS BROCKLESBY recently. The photos shows current and future mine warfare units operating together in the vicinity of Arran.”

16 Mar 2023 - “AUV launching on a sunny day in Campbeltown.”

14 Mar 2023 - “This photo was taken last week as we returned to harbour from AUV trials! Despite the warnings the weather in Scotland was lovely.”

14 Mar 2023 - “Great to work with HMS HURWORTH.”

Navy Lookout

2 Apr 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH outbound from Portsmouth this afternoon.”

30 Mar 2023 - “New article: Royal Navy autonomous mine hunting at the sharp end.”

29 Mar 2023 - “First mine warfare mothership for Belgian Navy, BNS OOSTENDE launched today in Concarneau.”

28 Mar 2023 - “FS CEPHEE departed Portsmouth today (Notice the blue nose).”

28 Mar 2023 - “French minehunter FS CEPHEE, assigned to SNMCMG1 leaves Portsmouth this morning.”

28 Mar 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH returned to Portsmouth yesterday after 10 weeks away conducting Operational Sea Training and participating in Exercise JOINT WARRIOR around Scotland.”

23 Mar 2023 - “Former RN MCMVs in Rosyth. (Left) Ex-HMS BLYTH undergoing repair. (Ex-HMS RAMSEY in the shed). Both sold to Romania.

Royal Navy in Scotland

6 Apr 2023 - “On this sunny Maundy Thursday and fresh from port visits in Shetland and Orkney we welcome the Norwegian MCMV HNoMS OTRA to Leith, Edinburgh for Easter 2023.”

3 Apr 2023 - “This weekend we welcomed the SNMCMG1 Norwegian MCM HNoMS OTRA who visited Lerwick in Shetland. The crew also laid a wreath at the Shetland Bus memorial in Scalloway to mark the 80 year anniversary.”

Steve A Wenham

10 Apr 2023 - “A decommissioned ex-HMS WILTON in dry dock no 5 at Portsmouth 1997.”

1 Apr 2023 - “Seen at Victoria Quay in Gosport. The RN dive boat BURWOOD and the small survey boat SAPPHIRE which was attached to the E class survey vessel HMS ECHO.”


7 Apr 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH arrived back yesterday.”

3 Apr 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH.”

24 Mar 2023 - “FS CEPHEE at Portsmouth today.”

23 Mar 2023 - “HMS CATTISTOCK - her move into D Lock never materialised today due to the high winds.”

23 Mar 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH seen arriving back yesterday.”

22 Mar 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH index berthing yesterday.”

22 Mar 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH seen yesterday.”

21 Mar 2023 - “HMS HURWORTH arrives back today.”

16 Mar 2023 - “Autonomous MCMV ABDIEL leads XV PATRICK BLACKETT home yesterday. The small boat fleet of boathouse 4 make up the scene.”

Marine + Air Photography

27 Mar 2023 - “HMS BROCKLESBY at Bedenham this morning.”

24 Mar 2023 - “FS CEPHEE alongside HM Naval Base Portsmouth this afternoon.”

IMSC - International Maritime Security Construct

19 Mar 2023 - “Sentinels and Sentries: RSNF HMS AL JAWF is a Sandown-class minehunter among 70 different ships that 5 countries provide to support CTF Sentinel’s mission as the operational arm of IMSC.”

Kajsa Ollongren

14 Mar 2023 - “Today, in the port city Odesa, I announced that the Netherlands intends to provide two minehunters to Ukraine. Belgium and the Netherlands will start training Ukrainian crews for these vessels this year. This initiative will contribute to maritime security in the Black Sea.”


Death of the last 'P' Party diver


Death of Cdr Michael Francis Goodenough Emary RN