30th Annual MCDOA Operational Updates, AGM and Dinner

26 Nov 2022 - We enjoyed another excellent MCDOA Annual Dinner in HMS NELSON's wardroom last night following a full day of hugely informative updates on Minewarfare and Diving and a highly productive AGM at Fleet Diving HQ on Horsea Island.

The Operational Updates included the following briefs:

  • Welcome by Lt Kyle De-Banks

  • Introduction by Capt Ben Vickery

  • MCM1 by Lt Ali Aindow

  • MCM2 by Lt Ryan Bartlett

  • MTXG by Cdr Neil Griffiths

  • DTXG by Cdr Sean ‘Central’ Heaton

  • Capability by Cdr Ben Stait


We then adjourned to the Horsea Island mess for our customary free lunch before settling for a most productive AGM. Our Secretary will email the minutes to all members in due course but one of the main proposals passed by unanimous decision was to invite associate member Surg Cdre Jim Sykes to be an Honorary Member owing to his significant contribution to military diving medicine over several decades.


In the evening, we convened in HMS NELSON’s wardroom for our annual dinner. Our current President, Capt Ben Vickery, presided while Yours Truly (Rob Hoole) acted as ‘Mr Vice. Bob Hawkins said Grace and we toasted the King for the first time in our Association’s 30-year history.


Our principal guest was MCDOA past-President Rear Admiral Paddy McAlpine CBE. HMS NELSON’s Volunteer Band played with its usual gusto and members rose to the challenge of singing the after dinner songs with their usual vigour. Tribute was paid to the nine MCDOA members who have crossed the bar since we last met a year ago:

  • 22 Jan 2022: Surg Cdr David Elliott OBE RN (Associate member)

  • 24 Jan 2022: Cdr Alan Padwick OBE RN (LMCDO ‘66 - First LMCDO course. Former SofD.)

  • 17 Apr 2022: Lt Cdr Andrew ‘Sharkey’ Ward RN (LMCDO ‘95B)

  • Apr 2022: Cdr Stuart Hayes RN (LMCDO ‘85B)

  • 20 May 2022: Lt Les Maynard RN (CDO 1969 converted MCD 1970)

  • 29 July 2022: Lt Cdr Doug Barlow RN (Associate member)

  • 4 Oct 2022: Surg Cdr Bob Hanson RN (Associate member)

  • 17 Oct 2022: Lt Mike Stewart RN (CDO 1965)

  • 1 Nov 2022: Lt Cdr David Burstall RN (CDO 1955)


Capt Vickery provided a round-up of recent achievements by current MCDOs and MWOs and mentioned those celebrating the 25th and 50th anniversaries, respectively, of their qualification as MCDOs or MWOs. Admiral Paddy then extolled the virtues of the Branch with a few of his own memories of interacting with those present throughout his career and announced the presentation of leaving gifts to members we were were dining out of the Service: Cdre Mark Durkin, Lt Cdr Dave Stanbury and Lt Cdr Ben Piper (Sorry, Ben. I missed your presentation.).

Cdre Mark then spoke on behalf of the leavers and proposed a toast to the Association before everyone adjourned to the bar.

Many thanks to Kyle De-Banks, our Secretary, for organising such an excellent, smooth-running programme throughout the day.


A Message from Our Chair


Recent Tweets of Interest