Minewarfare & Clearance Diving Officers’
This is the new website for the MCDOA. The old website, including all its archives, remains available at mcdoa.org.uk.
Over the course of time, this site will be populated with material from the old site.
About the MCDOA
The Royal Naval Minewarfare & Clearance Diving Officers' Association (MCDOA) was founded by the incumbent RN Superintendent of Diving Cdr David Sandiford RN (subsequently elected as its first Chairman) and Lt Cdr Rob Hoole RN (subsequently elected as its first Secretary). It was launched at an inaugural meeting held in HMS Nelson (Gunwharf), the renamed site of HMS Vernon, on 3 April 1992. The primary objective was to formalise previously ad hoc arrangements for gatherings and the exchange of information.
The aim of the Association is to perpetuate the "Esprit de Corps" of Royal Naval and certain other Minewarfare and Clearance Diving Officers for their mutual benefit through the frequent exchange of information and regular meetings on both a formal and social basis. The Association currently has over 200 members worldwide but especially needs more serving officers to maintain its dynamism and relevance.
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Membership Criteria
As defined in its Constitution, the Association comprises:
Full Members.
Life Members
Associate Members.
Honorary Members.
Affiliate Members.
Full Members
Eligibility for full membership is automatic for all serving and retired Royal Naval Minewarfare and Clearance Diving Officers (MCDOs), Minewarfare Officers (MWOs), Clearance Diving Officers (CDOs), Officers who were qualified in Deep Diving (QDD) and Officers from other Navies who have similar qualifications and who have served with the Royal Navy.
Life Member
Free life membership is granted to those members who have attained the age of 75 or have been qualified for 50 years or more. Life members have the same membership rights as Full Members.
Associate Members
Associate membership, limited to twenty-five percent of the full membership, is awarded to those persons who have made a marked contribution to the Minewarfare and Clearance Diving community and the welfare of its members. Candidates must be nominated by a Full Member and receive the formal unanimous endorsement of the Committee. Associate Members are not entitled to vote or nominate or second other persons for membership.
Honorary Members
Honorary membership may be bestowed on individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the objectives of the Association or to the activities of the MCD and MW Officer community. Honorary members pay no fees and are entitled to all privileges of membership except voting rights. Normally, not more than one honorary member is elected annually. Honorary members must be elected by the Full Membership following proposal by the Committee.
Affiliate Members
Affiliate membership is open to WO(MW)s, WO(D)s and members of REBDOC (Royal Engineers Bomb Disposal Officers' Club) on application citing a Full Member as a referee. Affiliate members shall pay no fees but their privileges will be restricted to attending certain social functions, such as the Annual Dinner, by direct application.
Membership Fee
The current annual membership fee is £15, payable by PayPal or Debit/Credit Card. See the Membership page for further details.